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View to Glastonbury Tor from bridge into Westhay village_edited.jpg

Somerset LNP


Our working groups are there to give focus and direction towards achieving priority initiatives.

Green Finance Somerset

This group raises awareness of the benefits of nature based interventions to promote a Green Economy as well as promoting the value of a Green Economy and the role it plays in a healthy society.

Green Economy

Nature and Wellbeing

This group focuses closely on the 'Nature for Wellbeing' section of the Government Environmental Improvement Plan 2023, namely "exploring options for how best to embed green social prescribing across multiple healthcare pathways" and to promote good health and wellbeing through the natural environment.

Here is information on groups in Somerset



Please see this video for further information: 

Nature and Wellbeing

Food and Farming

This group will deliver on the food and farming workstream of the Somerset Climate Strategy; provide leadership, raise awareness, influence decision makers, support local projects and promote the value and role of nature in the farmed landscape. 

Food and Farming

Nature Recovery Network

The purpose of the Nature Recovery Network sub-group will link closely with the 25-year Environment Plan, the Environment Bill and the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) to achieve 30% of Somerset’s land and sea being actively managed for natures recovery.

Nature Recovery Network
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