Protect and improve the county’s unique natural environment through a shared vision and strategy for the county
Embed the intrinsic value of Somerset’s natural environment into cultural, political and economic agendas
Show leadership in bringing sectors and people together to realise economic, social, health and environmental benefits from an improved, coherent and resilient ecological network for Somerset
Communicate and improve the economic, social and health benefits that the natural environment brings for everyone who lives, works or visits Somerset
Create natural solutions to climate change identifying carbon sequestration opportunities (respond to emissions in the air)
The role of the Somerset Local Nature Partnership is to:
Somerset Local Nature Partnership is a broad multi-sector coalition representing different economic, social, political and environmental interests from across the county all committed to the aims of the LNP.
The structure consists of:
The LNP Board: provides strategic leadership to improve and protect the natural environment of Somerset, reflecting the views of the wider Forum and the technical guidance of Somerset Nature Officers Group. The Board is made up of cross-sector high level strategic leaders and advocates.
Georgia Stokes - Chair - Somerset Wildlife Trust
Cllr Dixie Darch - Vice Chair - Somerset Council
Chris Fayers - Vice Chair - EDF
Kate Anderson - Somerset Public Health
Andrew Cockcroft - Hinkley Point C/EDF
Ross Edwards - Environment Agency
Anthony Gibson - Somerset Catchment Partnership
Claire Gibson - University of Plymouth
Jenny Hannis - SPARK
Dave Jones - Wessex Water
Adam Lockyear - FWAG SW
Cllr Mike Stanton - Somerset Rivers Authority
Claire Newill - Natural England
Paul Lowndes - Gravity
Hattie Severinsen - NFU
John Turner - Visit Somerset
National Landscape/National Park - by rotation
Jim Hardcastle, Mendip Hills NL; Sarah Bryan, Exmoor NP; Tim Youngs, Blackdown Hills NL, Iain Porter, Quantock Hills NL
RSPB/National Trust/Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) - by rotation
Ellie Jones, WWT; Simon Stennett, RSPB; Simon Larkins National Trust
Steve Mewes - Coordinator
Peatland Partnership: brings together those that make a living from peat, farms on peat, conserves and restores peat or manages peat lands in Somerset and North Somerset whether on Exmoor or the Levels and Moors with the aims of
- retaining the peat that remains
- preserving the remaining peat safely
- restoring the peat wherever possible
The LNP Forum: the wider partnership of environmental organisations, community groups, businesses, educational institutions and others committed to the aims of the LNP to protect and improve the natural environment of Somerset for the benefit of people, businesses and wildlife.
Task and Finish Groups: Established as required by the Board to drive forwards priority initiatives. There are groups on the Green Finance Somerset, Nature and Wellbeing, Food and Farming and the Nature Recovery Network/LNRS.
The LNP is funded by kind donations from Somerset Council and Wessex Water